

Unit 3, No 107 , Rahmani Street , 3th Square of Tehran pars , Tehran , Iran

Phone Call


Pharmaceutical industry:

We supply laboratory equipment, production line spare parts ,kits and raw materials to pharmaceutical industries from highly reputable brands same as :LONZA , CARGIL,CHARLES RIVER , ASHLAND ,EVONIK, NEELIKON ,CAPECOD,SDHEAD.

درباره استدیو طراحی بهرنگ

our services

درباره استدیو طراحی بهرنگ

We supply raw materials consisting of all kind of sweetener  same as :(Sucralose ,glucose, saccharine,fructose)
Lecithin, Maltodextrin, starch,sodium benzoate,Carrageenan,
Guar gum.

Food industry:

Chemical industries:

We supply chemicals raw materials for different industries same as : Adhesive manufacturer , paint and resin , water purification, industrial oil ,Textiles, rubber and plastic .

درباره استدیو طراحی بهرنگ

We supply raw materials to cosmetics industries from well known manufacturer in order to meet our customers criteria.a


درباره استدیو طراحی بهرنگ

Oil and Gas industries:

We supply raw materials for petrochemical feedstock alongside with broad variety of equipment consisting of : All kind of pumps,Electro motors,Servo motors ,Bearings,Belt,
Sensor ,Compressor and precision instruments from high reputable brands same as :SIEMENS , ABB ,WIKA ,BALLUFF.

درباره استدیو طراحی بهرنگ


Be in touch with us

Register my request

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Follow us on social networks.

Unit 3, No 107 , Rahmani Street , 3th Square of Tehran pars , Tehran , Iran​​​​​​​

company address


Phone number : 02177709830 - 02177714391
mobile number : 09913912175 - 09109007329
email : info@vandadexir.com

طراحی سایت توسط گروه تبلیغاتی شایگان انجام شده است.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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